If you have lost teeth, dental implants in Southwest Houston, TX, could be the ideal solution for your smile! Implants may be recommended to replace a single missing tooth, multiple missing teeth or a full arch of teeth, providing an effective and long-lasting solution for both your smile and your oral health.

What Are Dental Implants Made Of?

Implants consist of two main parts – the implant post and the implant restoration. The implant post is a small screw, typically made of titanium or another biocompatible material, which is surgically positioned within your jawbone at the precise location of the missing tooth. This post serves as a replacement for your natural tooth root, performing the same vital functions in ensuring the stability and health of your supporting bone and providing a stable foundation for your smile.

How Dental Implants Restore Your Smile

The implant restoration replaces the crown of the missing tooth. It is securely fixed atop the implant post to complete your treatment and fully restore the appearance and function of your smile. Depending on how many teeth you are replacing, this restoration could be a dental crown, a dental bridge or even a complete or partial denture. Your restoration is custom-made to ensure both comfort and aesthetics.

Implants offer many benefits, such as restoring the health, function, and appearance of your smile, as well as giving you a final result that looks, feels and functions like your natural teeth. When properly cared for, implants can last a lifetime, making them a sound investment in your oral health and overall wellbeing.

If you are missing teeth, you are a candidate for implant dentistry. However, if you have tooth decay, gum disease or another condition you will need to receive treatment for that issue before you can receive a dental implant. Our experienced dentist will evaluate your oral health to determine if additional care is necessary and create your treatment plan.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

Are dental implants safe?

Absolutely, dental implants are a reliable and safe option for filling gaps left by missing teeth. At True Smiles Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, our skilled Houston dentist utilizes advanced techniques and high-quality materials to ensure the safety and success of your dental implant procedure. Implants, made of biocompatible materials like titanium, merge flawlessly with your jawbone, providing a durable foundation for your new teeth. This seamless integration minimizes issues and enhances your dental health’s longevity, keeping your smile radiant for the long haul.

Will dental implants last a lifetime?

With proper maintenance, dental implants can become a lasting part of your smile, reflecting the durability of your natural teeth. Designed for durability, they offer a reliable base for replacing missing teeth. At True Smiles Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, nestled in Southwest Houston, Texas, we’re committed to your implant’s success. Through customized oral care tips and consistent dental exams, we aim to keep your dental implants functioning optimally, ensuring your smile remains bright and healthy.

Can dental implants get cavities?

Dental implants are repellent to cavities due to their non-decaying materials. Yet, optimal oral hygiene and routine dental check-ups are key to safeguarding your gum and adjacent teeth health. At True Smiles Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, we emphasize regular oral maintenance to preserve the durability of your dental implants and enhance your overall dental health.

Who is best for dental implants?

To qualify for dental implants, it’s essential that you have missing teeth and possess overall robust health, including a jawbone robust enough to anchor the implant securely. Should you face issues such as gum disease or tooth decay, addressing these will be our first step together. At True Smiles Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, located in the heart of Southwest Houston, Texas, we pride ourselves on personalized care. We’ll undertake a detailed assessment to ascertain whether dental implants suit your unique dental landscape, guiding you towards the best route for a revitalized smile.

How do I care for my dental implants?

Maintaining your dental implants is straightforward: brush twice a day, floss consistently, and use mouthwash to fend off infections. This routine keeps your implants in top condition. It’s also crucial to visit True Smiles Family and Cosmetic Dentistry for regular check-ups and cleanings to ensure your implants and natural teeth remain healthy. Our team provides personalized advice and care tips during your consultation and follow-up visits.

What is the success rate of dental implants?

Dental implants enjoy a high success rate, generally over 95%, when performed by experienced dental professionals. At True Smiles Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, our Houston dentists leverage their extensive expertise and the latest dental technologies to maximize the success of your implant procedure, offering you a safe and reliable restoration for your missing teeth.

Can dental implants improve my oral health?

Absolutely, dental implants significantly boost oral health. They eliminate the need for modifying surrounding teeth, as seen with bridges or dentures, thus protecting your natural dental framework. Implants also play a key role in halting jawbone degradation, preserving the authentic structure of your face and jaw. Additionally, by enabling proper chewing, they enhance nutritional intake and overall health.

For more information about dental implants in Southwest Houston, Texas, and to schedule a consultation with Dr. Olagoke Masha or Dr. Jennifer Ogbuehi, call True Smiles Family and Cosmetic Dentistry today at 281-666-9912! Implants can change your life, and we are committed to helping you enjoy all the benefits of a healthy mouth and smile.

We are excited to help you care for your smile! Call today to schedule your appointment!

Dr Olagoke Masha in Houston Texas


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